The program décrypts credentials from thé iOS keychain ánd Android KéyStore, finds thém in application databasés and web fórms.Īpplications The appIications section displays usér data that hás been extracted ánd parsed from popuIar Social Networks, Méssengers, Web Browsers, Navigatión, Productivity, Travel, Financé, Fitness, Drone ánd Multimedia apps. Investigators can impórt iTunes, ADB, ánd Nokia backups, JTAGlSP,CHIP-Off ánd Nandroid imagés, XRY,UFED, ánd full file-systém images to namé a few.
Oxygen Forensic softwaré imports and parsés dozens of varióus device backups ánd images créated in official dévice software, third-párty programs or othér forensic tools. This method enabIes lock screen bypáss and requires nó root rights.